Keepass Workflow

Keepass Workflow

Sensitive information is never directly stored in the Frontdown database. Instead, the system only keeps pointers to paths, while the actual data remains encrypted in the Keepass database.

Creation of Keepass Database

At the creation of a new User, a Keepass Database is created and stored in filesystem. This database is encrypted with a randomly generated password. Next an AES key is generated from the random password and the user’s password. This key is then stored in the user’s database.

    participant Client
    participant API as REST API
    participant Keepass as Keepass System
    participant DB as Database

    Client->>API: Create User (POST /users/)
    API->>Keepass: Create Keepass Database
    Keepass-->>API: Return Keepass Database
    API->>DB: Store Keepass Database
    DB-->>API: Confirm Database Stored
    API-->>Client: Return response (201 Created)

Code Implementation

When a user logs in, the system retrieves the user’s Keepass key from the database and encrypts it with the user’s password. This encrypted key is then returned to the user.

from django.contrib.auth.models import UserManager

from utils.crypto import encrypt_key, generate_random_password

from core.utils.keepass import KeePass

class UserKeepassManager(UserManager):
    def create_user(self, username, email=None, password=None, **extra_fields):
        # Create a random password for the Keepass database
        random_password = generate_random_password()

        # Encrypt the user password with the random password
        encrypted_key = encrypt_key(password, random_password)

        user = self.model(

        keepass = KeePass(user)

        if not keepass.exists():

        # Create a default provider for the user

        return user
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